- Sign Type:
- Site & Business Security Sign
- Sign Reads:
- All Visitors Must Sign In
- Sizes Available (W x H):
- 200 x 300 mm | 300 x 450 mm | 400 x 600 mm | 600 x 900 mm
- Materials Available:
- Self Adhesive Vinyl, Face Adhesive Window Sticker, GITD Self Adhesive Vinyl, GITD 1mm Rigid Plastic, 2mm Rigid Plastic, 3mm Aluminium Composite Non-Reflective, RA1 Reflective 3mm Aluminium Composite, RA2 Reflective 3mm Aluminium Composite
- Orientation:
- Portrait
- Application:
- Designed for indoor or outdoor use
- Guarantee:
- Subject to material type and use in the appropriate setting. Does not account for extreme or atypical environmental conditions.
- How To Order:
- Select the Required Size, Material, any additional coatings, fixings and then add to basket, or customise the message
- Artwork ID:
- P12-MEP-0-335
All Visitors Must Sign In
All Visitors Must Sign In
Clear and easy to understand signage gives visitors and staff instructions regarding safe usage of premises
- Organisations have obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act to ensure the Safety and Wellbeing of visitors and staff on-site, which clear and transparent signage can support. Customise this sign for your premises in seconds
- High quality print delivers a clear and crisp message using durable UV stabilised inks
- Choose from a range of durable materials with options suitable for indoor or outdoor use and guaranteed for up to 7 years
- Additional coatings, fixings and accessories can be selected separately to create a complete signage solution that is quick and simple to install
- Made in the UK with 95% of orders shipped within 1-2 working days
Clear and easy to understand signage gives visitors and staff instructions regarding safe usage of premises
- Organisations have obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act to ensure the Safety and Wellbeing of visitors and staff on-site, which clear and transparent signage can support. Customise this sign for your premises in seconds
- High quality print delivers a clear and crisp message using durable UV stabilised inks
- Choose from a range of durable materials with options suitable for indoor or outdoor use and guaranteed for up to 7 years
- Additional coatings, fixings and accessories can be selected separately to create a complete signage solution that is quick and simple to install
- Made in the UK with 95% of orders shipped within 1-2 working days
This sign has been designed to comply with ISO 3864 and ISO 7010.
ISO 3864 - International Standard for Safety Signs & Markings:
This international standard defines the design principles for safety signs that convey safety messages. By following ISO 3864, our security signs are designed with the official and appropriate colours to effectively communicate essential safety information, reducing the risk of accidents and confusion in parking areas.
ISO 7010 - Graphical Symbols for Safety Communication:
Outlines the design and application of standardized safety signs to ensure clear and consistent communication in public spaces, workplaces, and more. The symbols in our security signs comply with ISO 7010, which help to ensure that each sign is universally understood, regardless of language or cultural differences.
Health and Safety At Work Act 1974:
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 obliges employers to ensure the safety of those on their premises.
Safety & Guidance: Signage can help prevent accidents by employees and visitors, indicating hazards and hazardous areas to avoid, prohibiting dangerous activities and encouraging increased vigilance.
Liability: If an accident occurs, the presence of suitable signage show that reasonable safety measures were taken, which could limit legal repercussions.
Well-being: A secure and safe workspace reduces stress for employees and visitors alike, contributing to a positive work environment and visitor experience.
Even though the Act doesn't mandate specific signage, having it in place supports your broader safety responsibilities.
The Health and Safety Regulations 1996 - Safety & Warning
The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 implemented European Council Directive 92/58/EEC on minimum requirements for the provision of safety signs at work. Within this, signs are categorised into specific types with prescribed layouts to ensure immediate recognition.
Safety & Guidance: the regulation aims to ensure that safety and security risks are clearly communicated, understood, and can be acted upon to prevent accidents and injuries.
Liability: If an accident occurs, the presence of suitable signage show that reasonable safety measures were taken, which could limit legal repercussions.
Our prohibition, warning and mandatory signs comply with the safety colour regulations. This ensures that certain colours adhere to their specific meanings. Safety signs are not a substitute for those other methods of controlling risks such as engineering controls and safe systems of work.
The Occupiers' Liability Acts of 1957 and 1984:
The Occupiers' Liability Acts of 1957 and 1984 mandate that property owners and occupiers have a duty of care towards both invited guests and, to a lesser extent, trespassers.
Safety & Wellbeing: Proactively using safety and security signage can help to mitigate these risks and demonstrates your commitment to maintaining a responsible and safe space.
Liability: If an accident occurs, the presence of suitable signage show that reasonable safety measures were taken, which could limit legal repercussions.
Whilst signage alone does not fully address the requirements of the act, it can go some way to addressing your responsibilities as a owner or occupier.